The Tell Tale Signs Of A Stripper

Imagine yourself strolling around your favourite shopping centre and you can hear a faint sound of ‘click clack click clack’ only to get louder but the click clacks from the heels actually sound like ‘move move move move’, you turn your pretty little head over your shoulder to see what this commotion is and it’s a beautiful woman/women fiercely strutting past, big shades (that’s a disguise), a designer hand bag, with lots of shopping bags hanging off every limb, the most tightest of figure hugging attire possible to show off their slender pole athletic shape, if your lucky you may have a glimpse of a cheeky thong line or the frills from their Victoria Secrets bra popping out of the top of their low cut singlet, and as they strut past they leave a trail behind them of the sweet smell of hello kitty bubblegum spray!

Or imagine yourself in a nightclub in the city somewhere, your on the dance floor shaking what ya mama gave ya, the deejay is playing some sick RnB classics, then Christina Millian dip it low starts screeching out from the speakers, your with your girls, screaming “oh my gaaaaawd, this ma jam y’all, this ma jam!”, your dipping it low, bringing it up slow, rolling it all around…
But you see a crowd circling a bunch of girls on the other side, it’s the strippers, (if they are lucky to have a night off that is), now they won’t be stripping, (depends how much alcohol they’ve drowned themselves in), but they will dance sexily with each other, not what your all thinking, two girls grinding on eachother, going in for the kiss, no no no! They will be swirling, spanking, twerking, bouncing, all with each other but getting other people involved. They create little shows, the male attention is as what a tramp on chips would be, to which the strippers strictly imply they are all lesbians and don’t need a man to make them happy, (thank you pussy cat dolls). They leave you in complete and utter awe, you and your girlfriends will be up all night putting together a re-enactment of the saucy little dance yourselfs.

Or imagine being sat in front of the television on your day off catching up on all your soap operas, or keeping up with the kardashians, eating as much Ben and Jerry’s, and pizza before you explode, in a pair of granny pants, and an over sized top without a bra, no make-up, un brushed hair that sits in the messiest of buns, looking as rough as a badgers arse, refusing to leave your apartment, us strippers much prefer that!